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June 18, 2009

Bittersweet Goodbyes

Yesterday was the last day of school. It was full of many mixed emotions. Saying goodbye to our Seventh Graders, many of whom I had the pleasure of teaching for two years, they are great kids and I'm very proud of them. Our town, like so many others, is suffering from the economic down turn. This has unfortunately translated in loosing teachers, either to reassignment or to permanent layoffs . Programs have been cut. Art and Music has taken the biggest hit. I can't imagine our school without the Arts! Our poor kids. We also said good bye to Teresa Abbate a special education teacher who has taught in our town for 35 years. She is my colleague, mentor, and friend. She has a world of knowledge, a great sense of humor, and a passion for students. To honor her years of service I made Signature quilt. I was fortunate enough to get many of her colleagues, past and present and some students to sign it. Here are a couple of pictures. I apologize for the quality of the pictures but I'm proud the way the quilt came out. The pattern was in the winter edition of Quiltmaker magazine.

1 comment:

anti snore said...

What a excellent post.I like it so much.